
Hey! I’m Lydia and I’m so
glad you are here!

Welcome Beautiful! It means the world to me that you are visiting my site! My hope for you is that our resources inspire you to dream and to maximize your beauty. Let me explain myself just a bit... 

B. Beauty is magnified with intention, and when you express yours it can change your life. (And the lives of people around you.)

E. Embracing who you are and the gifts you have is essential to exposing your true beauty. 

A. “You are, ALTOGETHER beautiful my darling, there is no flaw in you.” Song of Songs 4:7. I love Jesus and fully believe He lived and died to make us flawless in the eyes of God. The best part is, you get to live that way! You can be free from guilt and shame… I promise, He doesn’t have a bad thing to say about you!

U. Unique is a part of your DNA. You are not too quirky, too loud, too shy, or too much! The distinctive qualities you possess (and may have tried to change) are intentionally sewn into your purpose

T. Trauma and hardship does not define you.

Y. You are beautiful and the world is desperately waiting for you to own it and to step into your destiny. 

Okay back to my intro. I am basically a chaos coordinator! I am married to the love of my life Dillon, we have been blessed with three wild boys that keep me on my toes everyday (Ethan 6, Owen 5, Asher under 1). I am an author, a speaker, and a podcaster. I am madly in love with Jesus and live to make him known. I absolutely love adventures! I love deep and meaningful conversations. I love, love, LOVE coffee.

I have seen more than my fair share of pain, trauma, and heartache. Yet, the hardest things in my life have made me stronger, more intentional, and more aware of my true identity. One of the most tragic experiences in my life became one of my greatest defining moments. It was a moment where I had to decide was this going to be a tombstone or a stepping stone? I chose a stepping stone and when I did, I began to further understand my purpose. I am living proof that despite trauma, pain, and rejection... BEAUTY REMAINS. 


P.S. You’re proof too! I can’t wait to help you discover it! 


Where I found my stepping stone - 3.13

3.13 My heart shattered, and my eyes swelled as I looked at 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes. We had just given birth to our son Aaron at 16 weeks. The weight of the grief, the anger, and the broken dreams was crushing me. It felt as though all the air was being pushed out of my lungs and I couldn’t get another breath.

I couldn’t wrap my mind around how this happened. We did everything right. We had made it past the pregnancy “safe zone.” Yet, as uncommon as Dr.’s say that it is, we had a second trimester miscarriage… seriously?! This was miscarriage #2…

We had been longing for this baby for a few years and it was time to say goodbye.

The emotions were many, but the question that screamed in my mind was, “why did God allow us to come this far? How could he be so cruel?” 

In the midst of all the chaos there was an overwhelming peace. I knew that this heartbreak was actually a defining moment for me. This event was so tragic that it had the power to be a tombstone that held me down and marked the death of my dreams and purpose. Or, it would be a stepping stone that I used to cross over into all that I was created to do. I didn’t know what that meant in the moment, however, over the next several weeks and months the Lord helped me to see there was still beauty for ashes. (Isaiah 61:3) With hope in my heart and enormous amounts of determination I began to discover that despite the pain and the heartache there was beauty that remained in my life.

Fast forward a year, and here I am to tell you that despite everything that life has thrown your way, there is more for you. Despite every heartache and rejection you are loved and have tremendous value. Despite the trauma you may have endured, you are strong. Your story may be marked by indescribable darkness yet, I assure you, BEAUTY REMAINS


Their Beauty is not for sale

I am on a mission to unlock beauty within women, join me in my advocacy and come along for the journey.

In 2000 my eyes were opened to the dark world of human trafficking. I was at a conference with 20,000 other teenagers as they showed a video about an organization that physically rescued people from trafficking. This organization would then shelter them and give them “mothers” who could help them through their trauma and teach them the necessary skills to get their lives back. I was in awe. So much so that I gave all my meal money for the next few days as well as some of my friend’s meal money to this organization. At just 13 years old I was determined to do something to help people affected by this heinous crime but I had no idea what to do. 

Years past and I never lost the burden. I did my research. I read everything I could get my hands on to learn more about this topic. I attended conferences. I wrote cards to victims coming out of trafficking encouraging them that despite all they had been through, that they were dearly loved and beautiful. I gave what I could when I could to organizations on the front lines of this battle. But I dreamed of doing more. 

Here we are 21 years later… and I am more burdened than ever for those trapped in trafficking. I am determined to and working towards passing legislation to change laws to protect our most vulnerable (children). I am dedicated to spending my money on products from companies that give people livable wages which keeps children home with their parents not sold in to slavery. 

I am committed to bringing awareness to human trafficking and the importance of ethically sourced products. I will always give back to organizations that are fighting this battle.


Follow our journey.